Shipley Continues Service To Africa

    Many people seek ways to assist the people of Malawi. This interest often lasts for a short period of time then they move on to the next point of interest. It is unusual in any international aid setting to find those who get involved for the long term and remain committed to one place […]

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First Teams From Ambassadors Reach Malawi

    During the month of June Ambassadors For Children in co-operation with the Blessings Complex and the Malawi Project fielded two teams to Malawi for service projects. Ambassadors for Children (AFC) is a not-for-profit organization based in Indianapolis, Indiana and is dedicated to serving children around the world through short-term humanitarian service trips and sustainable

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Paralyzed Widow Rejoices

    Likisina Khumbulasi was born thirty years ago. She learned to walk as a small child but at the age of six she became very sick. She nearly died from the unknown illness which paralyzed her legs and hand. After sometime she learned to use her hands but remains unable to walk.     Likisina

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Assassin On A Dark Night

        The night sky has embraced the tiny African village in the same way a traditional wrap crowds out the night cold from around a woman’s body. The sounds of the villages long ago abated and everyone has retreated to their huts near the center of the village area. All is quiet now except

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Malawi Plants Its Future

On the Slopes Near Dedza         The problems keep coming, and the delay in getting away from Blessings means we will be late getting to the office of the Minister of Forestry for the nation of Malawi. I hate being late to any meeting, but to be late to a meeting with a government

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Priority Mail From The Girl Scouts

The mailman backs his truck up to the door at the headquarters for the Malawi Project in Indianapolis, Indiana and starts gathering box after box after box of priority mail from Girl Scout Troup # 1611 of Folsom, California. The boxes are making a short stop in Indiana before being loaded onto a forty-foot trailer

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Raggedy Andy Travels to Malawi

A recent email from schoolteacher Val Jensen in Pleasant Grove, Utah is reflective of the kind of sacrifice and commitment people are making to assist the people of Malawi. Val teaches at the Pleasant Grove School teaching.         This past year Val and the children of the Pleasant Grove gathered large amounts of supplies

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2nd Village Tractor Prepared For Trip

Thorntown, Indiana … The second V-Tractor is being prepared for its trip to the southern region of Malawi from central Indiana. The first tractor, a one-of-a-kind farm tractor was developed for use on small farm plots and was sent to the central region of Malawi in mid-2006. Tests were conducted and the new tractor is

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Malawi Scene Recreated in the Doll House

The Auburn Church of Christ in Auburn, Alabama has been increasing their involvement in Malawi during the past two years and the children in the congregation are not to be outdone by the adults. Terri Monks and her husband Dale have three daughters, Maggie (14), Molly (7), and Lilly (2). Maggie and Molly are participating

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Project Expands Distribution Programs

With the success of a number of humanitarian programs well underway at the Blessings Complex the decision was made in late 2006 to expand the distribution network of medical supplies and other humanitarian assistance into other parts of Malawi and even into neighboring nations in 2007. The Malawi Project Board of Directors felt that it

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