14 Million Tracts is a Lot of Reading Material

Mobile,Tracts to be shipped by the Malawi Project Alabama … On a recent tour of the south reporting on the progress of the work in Malawi a report was given to the Regency Church of Christ in Mobile, Alabama. The congregation has a long history of supporting major programs in Africa, and sending literature to preachers and churches for local distribution. Their web site also lists mission programs in Guyana, South America, Ukraine, Florence, Italy, Lima Peru and Rumuokwuruski, Nigeria. The congregation has five elders.

Richard (Dick) Stephens, of the Malawi Project, joined Nancy Talbot from the Regency Church of Christ in Mobile, Alabama, to present a recently printed tract destined for Malawi. Leroy McGaughy, one of the elders of the Regency Church looks on from behind the two, as they recognize and celebrate the 14,000,000 tracts printed and shipped to Malawi in less than 20 years. The Malawi Project assists the effort by using their supply shipments and network to include the materials published by the Regency Church. The number of tracts is quickly closing on the population total for the entire nation. This past year that figure registered 15,447,500 and the Regency effort is focused on passing that total as well.

McGaughy was excited to be able to describe the focus on Malawi that has been maintained by the congregation for so many years. He is the elder who directly oversees the printing and shipment of the tracts.

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