Lilongwe, Malawi … In the poverty of Malawi, village families are at the bottom of the economic ladder. Entire villages may have no form of mechanized transportation, not even a single bicycle. Walking is their only way to get around. Families have little income and unemployment is astronomical. They often earn $1.00 or $2.00 a day (or less), and the only clothes they possess are those they are wearing on their backs. They never have new clothes. Only from time to time do they receive a single piece of hand me down items. Little girls wear thread bare dresses and only dream of owning a new dress. The hope shatters as they know they will never know what it is like to put on a new dress or a new pair of shoes.

The Malawi Project has a wide network of supporters who supply children’s clothes, including Mobility Ministries in northwest Indiana, and Little Dresses for Africa, located northwest of Detroit, Michigan. 

Since the beginning of the Malawi Project thousands of dresses have brightened the lives of little girls. Today, sister organization Action for Progress continues the distribution process that says to little girls, “There is someone out there, someone you have never seen, they love you and you are very important.” In a land where the feeling of hope and of having an importance is in short supply a new dress for a little girl can go a long way.

Dresses for little girls, or funding to assist in the distribution can be sent to: Malawi Project, 2421 Golfside Drive, Lebanon, Indiana 46052. Funding can be by check or money order, or electronically through www.malawiproject.org/donate

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