Landfill Sigh of Relief

Landfill Sigh of ReliefLebanon, Indiana … One must conclude that if a landfill had a mind and voice it would offer a sigh of relief over an estimated 1 million pill containers that have not been discarded during the past 9 months with the Malawi Project’s Pill Container Program.


“Just imagine,” says Jim Messenger, the newest member of the Board of Directors, “if organizations across the nation who are helping third world countries would conduct this same campaign for 3 to 6 months. Then, like the Malawi Project, other programs like Shoes for Trees, Drip Irrigation, and the V-Tractor self-help programs could bring astonishing change to countries that are in need of a hand up. We are deeply grateful to those who have helped us make these programs successful during 2015.”

With the goal of 1 million containers in sight, the Board of Directors signaled a conclusion to the collection of containers, with the following schedule helping expedite its conclusion.

1. All individuals and families are asked to conclude their collections and ship them to the Malawi Project no later than Thanksgiving Day November 26.

2. All groups and organizations that are currently in collection campaigns may continue until Christmas Day, December 25. Considering the increase in mail delivery during December, however, the Board requests that these shipments not be made during December. Instead, they should be concluded during the first two weeks of January.

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