Northern Malawi … Isaac Gondwe, at the age of 72, suffers from an extreme case of diabetes. He was born in 1952 and currently lives in Luangwa village in the district of Rumphi. While it is far away from the Action for Progress distribution center in Lilongwe, the long arm of mobility distribution reaches every corner of the nation, and it found Isaac.

Up until 2012, he lived what he thought was a normal life. He knew nothing about the diabetes for a long time and had no idea it was taking a deadly toll on his body. That year, he learned the extent of that disease as he was told his leg would need to be amputated. It left him unable to get around on his own. “I never dreamed I would be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. But it has happened, and I cannot blame God. I have always been able-bodied and able to support my family through my farming. We never lacked anything. Then I learned of the diabetes. It quickly worsened, and they had to cut off my leg. This left all of the responsibility for providing for our family up to my wife. I could not go to the farm and work. She had to do everything. On top of that she even had to carry me around. I could not get around on my own.”

Isaac continues. “I am old and feeble. I know I can never get out and move about as I once did. However, I am so grateful to action for progress because I am no longer so much of a trouble to my wife to carry me to and from the house.”

He concludes, “This unit came to me through the Jomo Rd. Church of Christ in Action for Progress, and I want to thank them for helping me and my wife. It will be a great help to each of us, thank you, thank you, thank you.”

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