Malawi Plants Its Future

By Malawi Project | July 4, 2007 | Comments Off on Malawi Plants Its Future

On the Slopes Near Dedza         The problems keep coming, and the delay in getting away from Blessings means we will be late getting to the office of the Minister of Forestry for the nation of Malawi. I hate being late to any meeting, but to be late to a meeting with a government […]

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Priority Mail From The Girl Scouts

By Malawi Project | July 1, 2007 | Comments Off on Priority Mail From The Girl Scouts

The mailman backs his truck up to the door at the headquarters for the Malawi Project in Indianapolis, Indiana and starts gathering box after box after box of priority mail from Girl Scout Troup # 1611 of Folsom, California. The boxes are making a short stop in Indiana before being loaded onto a forty-foot trailer […]

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Raggedy Andy Travels to Malawi

By Malawi Project | June 29, 2007 | Comments Off on Raggedy Andy Travels to Malawi

A recent email from schoolteacher Val Jensen in Pleasant Grove, Utah is reflective of the kind of sacrifice and commitment people are making to assist the people of Malawi. Val teaches at the Pleasant Grove School teaching.         This past year Val and the children of the Pleasant Grove gathered large amounts of supplies […]

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2nd Village Tractor Prepared For Trip

By Malawi Project | June 25, 2007 | Comments Off on 2nd Village Tractor Prepared For Trip

Thorntown, Indiana … The second V-Tractor is being prepared for its trip to the southern region of Malawi from central Indiana. The first tractor, a one-of-a-kind farm tractor was developed for use on small farm plots and was sent to the central region of Malawi in mid-2006. Tests were conducted and the new tractor is […]

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