“It can take a sizeable amount of time and funding to build a protective wall around 5 acres of land, yet this has now been accomplished at the Action for Progress distribution hub in Lilongwe, Malawi.”

Lilongwe, Malawi … As inflation continued to plague the world, and rising construction costs placed many good programs out of reach for many organizations, the Malawi Project and Action for Progress continued to struggle with the need for a protective wall around the distribution center in Lilongwe. With literally millions of dollars in aid passing through this hub each month the concern for the safety of the supplies, and the security staff, continued to grow for the past 5+ years. Even with the commitment by Tribal authorities in the area to ensure the protection of the property it has been evident the need was present for more security. 

Thanks to the support of faithful contributors the protective wall is now complete. It was completed over the past 30 days with the completion of the steel “window guards” and the protective gate. A big thank you goes out to all who helped make this safety feature possible.

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