When People Have a Heart to Help

John, and his wife Carol, have a heart for helping people. John needed serious heart surgery, so he and Carol traveled to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. During his time in Rochester they met a minister by the name of Steve and told him and his wife about the needs in Malawi.

Steve, and his wife Patty, have a heart for helping people. They learned about the needs in Malawi from John and Carol.

Patty visited her chiropractor, and told him about the needs in Malawi.

Dr Nick is the owner of Chiropractic First, and he has a heart for helping people. Nick has made medical mission trips to Brazil.

Dr. Tony has a heart for helping people, and he is the business partner of Dr. Nick.

What is the result of these people who all have heart for helping people? The store room at Chiropractic First contained a large number of medical supplies, and the two partners made the offer to donate the supplies to the medical needs of Malawi.

This story would not have become reality if John and Carol had not taken time to tell Steve and Patty about Malawi’s medical needs. And it would not have become a reality if Patty had not told her chiropractor about the need. And the story would not have become a reality if the two doctors had not had a desire to help people.

The lesson: Not everyone has the opportunity to send supplies or funds to help in Malawi, BUT everyone can tell the story to someone who can make it all a reality. What you need is a heart for helping people.

Chiropractic First in Rochester, MN

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