Indianapolis, Indiana … On May 14, 2019, a story appeared on the Malawi Project web site that drew a parallel between the length of time it took to make a simple copy of a document in the U.S. and the time it took in Malawi. The story was titled “Under Five Minutes”. ( )

The evaluation concluded it took on average about 5 minutes to make copies in America but because of the long distance traveled to obtain copies in Malawi a single copy could take as long as an hour and a half to travel into the capital and have a copy center create a single copy.

The time situation to obtain copies has all changed with the arrival of a large copy machine from the North Central Church of Christ in Indianapolis, Indiana. In mid-2021 the church sought to dispose of the old copier and purchase a new one. Jim Messenger, the Treasurer for the Malawi Project attended the North Central church and was able to accept the old machine and redirect its remaining years to service in Malawi. The North Central church was pleased to donate the unit, and Action for Progress was pleased with its arrival. 

Pictured at top is the copy machine located in the outer office of AfP in Lilongwe, The second picture shows Wilson Tembo, standing at the desk donated to AfP from Jim Messenger, Treasurer for the Malawi Project.

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