Early Morning in the VillageMakupete Village, Malawi … It was early Sunday morning and, as is the custom in most Malawi villages, Mrs. Bether Zakaliya and her children were up before daylight. There was water to fetch, wood to cut, a meal to prepare and all of it had to be done before going to church services.
The mother walked to the borehole where she went each morning to draw water. While she was away one of the children took a bundle of dry grass and set it on fire so he could light the way to the outside toilet near their mud, brick thatched house. Wilson Tembo from the Namikango Mission reflects, “At that moment a new chapter was about to begin in the life of this poor, destitute family.” The fire quickly, and unexpectedly spread to the dry grass around the toilet building, then to the building itself, then to the nearby house. Because the mother was away from the house, there was no way the fire could be stopped. Villages have no fire service, so if a fire begins and the villagers themselves cannot put it out the fire simply destroys everything in its path. This was the case for this unfortunate family. The family lost everything, their clothes, household kitchen items, bedding, school supplies, and cooking and water pails.
Assistance Arrives for Family
Shortly after the accident the truck from the Namikango Mission arrived at the village. Tembo reports, “When we arrived at the village Mrs. Zakaliya was surprised. Because of the assistance from Universal Aide, Compassionate Resource Warehouse and the Malawi Project we were able to supply clothes, household items, kitchen utensils, bedding, school supplies, and even the pails they needed for water.” Mrs Zakaliya expressed her appreciation, “I thank you so much for everything you have done for my family. When the accident happened I thought I was alone, but this has proven that God is with us. Thank you to all who have helped us.”