Lilongwe, Malawi … The distribution center for Action for Progress and the Malawi Project is nearing completion. It only remains for the roof to be attached, and that work is already beginning. Pictures are the building on July 27. ( For more scenes of the site on July 27 go to: )


Completion will come none too soon, as a container of 200 mobility units has already arrived in the yards in Lilongwe. Although this container will remain on the property for future use the need to have the warehouse completed in order to assemble the units and stage them for distribution is needed. A second container, this one filled with food for the areas where crops were destroyed during the recent cyclone, does not remain on the property and will need to be unloaded.


The building will serve as the clearing point for aid to be staged, sorted and distributed to those areas where the need is the greatest.


Meanwhile, the appeal is to contributors for the remaining $7,000.00 for building construction costs. There is also the looming need for shipping funds to send nearly three containers of supplies that have been staged in Indiana warehouses during recent months while the building was under construction. If you would like to contribute to this campaign please visit:


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