Mulanje, Malawi … As the rains continued to come down in torrents, the houses, one by one started to collapse. As they did those inside, and their possessions, disappeared in the growing rush of water. Christina knew if she and her children remained inside, they could soon be buried in the mud and debris of their house as well. On the other hand, if they went outside in the cyclonic rain the storm could easily sweep them away. What to do? Danger and death seemed a strong possibility no matter which way she turned.  

Finally, as their mud house started collapsing around them, she and the six members of her family clung together, stepped out into the teeth of the storm, and made a run for it. Strong men helped get them through the fast-rising waters. 

Now, as most of the nation gets back to normal, and the rest of the world goes on to the next crisis, Christina and her family are not sure what they do next. She worries about what the anguish of that night has done to her school age children. They lost everything, every piece of their clothes and all their school supplies.

Some hope arrived when Action for Progress reached them with some food and clothes. Christina is thankful that all the clothes were a fit for each member of the family, but she does not know what the future holds for her and her family. As with thousands of others she and her family are together in a giant camp of those with no place to go. 

It is at these times that true humanity shows through. When the others, who serve through the rush of the moment of excitement, go their own way and turn to other interests it is the true colleague that remains committed to staying until the last person goes to their new home. What will it be for the thousands of people like Christina Namanguwa and her family? Will there be those who stay behind to help right to the successful end of the disaster?

On the day assistance reached Christina and her family, Action for Progress was able to distribute food and clothing to an additional 300 people. 

Picture: In a blue wrap, with a multiplied color sweater, Christina picks up the large bag of supplies and, barefoot, prepares to make her way back to her family 

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