Universal Aide Society Shapes a Difference

Canadian Group Rallies Support

    During the past 9 years nearly 300 trailers of supplies have been sent to the small nation of Malawi through the work of the Malawi Project. A vast majority of these trailers of supplies have been medical in nature, and they have allowed the Project to extend its reach into over 144 medical facilities in all three regions of the nation. Already in 2008 one shipment of medicine amounted to over $23,000,000.00 in medical aid, matching the dollar value of the entire Malawi national budget for the nation. This shipment and many more have reached Malawi as a result of the support of the Universal Aide Society.

    In the famine of 2002-2004 Universal Aide Society coordinated sending millions of dollars in food aid that helped keep many people alive. Additionally large amounts of clothing, shoes, books, and other supplies have contributed to incentive programs that are helping the Malawi people get on their feet.

    According to Suzi Stephens RN, the Medical Director for the Malawi Project, the largest supplier of aid through these years has been the Universal Aide Society of British Columbia, Canada. "Without the Universal Aide group and their tireless efforts to supply us with the massive amounts of food, medicines, clothing, school books and other needed supplies the Malawi Project and its work would still be a very small supplier to the people of Malawi. Because of them we have been able to become one of the top suppliers of aid to Malawi."

    Scott Gordon, a board member and treasurer for the Malawi Project notes that it would have been impossible to raise the needed funds to accomplish all of the work the Project has been doing without the support of Shirley Gremyachev, her board and her supporters.

    Without a question Universal Aid Society is in the top tier of the people who successfully quality to the "Be The Change" category of those who serve the needs of the helpless in the world today.

    Additional information about the Universal Aide Society can be found at www.universalaide.org


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