You will never meet her. In fact, you will probably spend less than a minute viewing this picture of Valentine Waiti, a teenage girl from Malawi. You will never know her family, nor step inside the village in which she lives. You will never hear her voice, meet her siblings, or see her classmates in school. Yet for a time during the next few minutes, you will thank God for all He has given you, a welcoming house, a clean bed, and a warm blanket. Because one person cared enough to make it possible, tonight Valentine will share the joy of having a warm blanket. A bit surprising how easy, and simple it is to give joy to a young girl in central Africa, don’t you think? All for the cost of a simple blanket!

If you would like to find out how you can help more children like Valentine, please check out what supplies we’re collecting and if you would like to make a monetary donation don’t hesitate to do so.


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