U.S., and Malawi … On 8 March 2022 a story appeared on the Malawi Project’s web site about the critical need for expectant mothers in Malawi to receive needed supplies for the delivery of their babies.  The list of items came from Doctors Without Borders and the story from the personal experiences of Suzi Stephens RN, the medical director for the Malawi Project during more than a quarter of a century of working in Malawi. There was an immediate outpouring of interest and support.

 Women’s groups in several states have written for information flyers and directions on how to put these packs together. The list by Doctors Without Borders has been included in the information flyers and are now available to interested individuals and groups. Women have already started sending boxes of baby packs to the Malawi Project’s Lebanon, Indiana offices, and large numbers of them are being placed in outgoing containers. 

You can join this effort and help Malawi mothers have safer deliveries and a better chance for having less complications during those critical hours during and after delivery. Write to Suzi today for copies of the flyer about making baby packs. or

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