Indianapolis, Indiana … With the construction of the new distribution center moving rapidly along, the process of fundraising is heading into the home stretch with nearly 2/3 of the needed funds now available to Action for Progress. This is not just a building. It is a distribution hub for medical supplies for hospitals and healthcare centers nationwide. It is a source of school supplies and textbooks for children in government schools in all three regions of the nation. It is hope for those who cannot walk and have the need for mobility units in order to get around. It is food for the hungry through food shipments that need a home until they are distributed to the hungry, and it is hope for future food supplies through the storage and distribution of drip irrigation systems that can make all the difference in the food supply for village farmers throughout Malawi.


However, with the speed and efficiency with which Diamond Construction is moving forward, there is a concern that funding keeps up with construction. With a projected completion date of early to mid-July, and with nearly three shipping containers of supplies waiting in Indiana for funds in order to ship them, the appeal is to contributors to help get this program over the top. This appeal is to everyone reading this update. If you can’t give a large amount, then even a small amount will help. Enough small amounts and the goal can be reached.


Many of you have already contributed to this effort, and for those contributions, deep appreciation is expressed. However, a little more is needed. Can you help today with an additional contribution to get this program completed? Send checks or money orders to: Malawi Project, 3314 Van Tassel Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46240 or go into the Malawi Project web site and program a contribution to help complete this project.

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