Burns, Fires and Bad Teeth

Clinic at the Gate Goes on the Road

    Never to be one to sit back and wait for those in need to come to her Samantha Ludick is taking the Clinic at the Gate "on the road". Even though the clinic has not yet been built on her property she has already received a large number of medical supplies from the Malawi Project, and she isn’t waiting for the patients to come to her.

Burn Patient at Ngolawindo VillageSamantha Ludick helps Malawian Villagers
    Pictured caring for a 7-year old-burn patient Samantha Ludick changes a dressing. Because of the supplies Ludick is about to report, "The little girl was burned with boiling water four days before seeing me. When I was asked to look at the wound 4 days after the burn I found a serious infection in the third degree wound. After giving her some simple care and having the proper medical supplies I am pleased to say that after 3 days of treatment she is recovering beautifully."

Next Dealing With "A Fire"
    "No sooner had I completed the task of helping the burn patient that one of the young lake tour guides came to me to report that his back was "on fire". He pleaded for help and removed his shirt so I could see the fire. What I say was not a fire, but was another of those ‘cow manure’ solutions to a health problem. You will remember that we gave care to a small child not long ago who had been taken to a tribal medicine man and cow manure was used to treat the problem. Well, here it was again. I told him he wasn’t on fire, but he had shingles, and they make one feel like they are on fire. Shingles are fairly common here in the village areas, and most villagers have experienced them, or at least one member of their family has had shingles, so they understand when one says they are on fire.  It was notMalawian Burn Victim. difficult to explain that one can use natural medicine, medicine that God had given us that is better than any other medicine for shingles… I almost felt as if I was contradicting myself… for I had a moment ago been talking about the cow manure mixture that had been put on the little lad’s third degree burn, the mixture wasn’t the correct thing… and now I was telling the tour guider that he should use the milk of the  (Plomaria Robustus) Frangipani leaves for they will stop the fire and dry the blisters. He simply said ‘no, that is like African medicine’ and he pointing to the little lad… look what African medicine did to him… I was able to help him by giving him painkillers and chamomile lotion, thanks to the Malawi Project supporters."

Next I Found Myself Dealing in Dental Needs
    "A short time later at the clinic little Lusia’s mum had said Lucia had been in pain for the last two days with her teeth, I looked into the little ones mouth to find she had at least four large cavities on the bottom row on both sides. She needed to see a dentist. I explained that I am not a dentist, but I would take her to see a Dentist and I would pay the bill. The mum was delighted for she couldn’t bear to see or hear the pain her daughter was in.Ludick in village distributes tooth brushes

    The Dentist explained he could only extract teeth since he doesn’t have the equipment to do fillings. He extracted the three worst ones, gave her painkillers, and explained to her mother how Lucia should be looking after her teeth. "Bring her back on Friday and he would extract 3 more teeth," he said.

    The first thing I did the very next morning was to go to the trading center at Salima and buy toothbrushes. I spent the entire day distributing them and explaining their use.

    Lucia can be seen in the denim dress that is falling off her right shoulder. She is holding up her brand new toothbrush, and she is delighted not to be in pain."

Editors Note:

    Sumantha Ludick owns the Cool Runnings Lake Resort on Lake Malawi at Senga Bay. Her work in helping the people in the villages in her area is as a volunteer and she receives no pay for her work. She is one of the people that are "making a difference" in the lives of those who live around her small resort.

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